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'Hammered By The Blues' 
Burma Shave Poetry


If motivation is driven by hatred and fear;

Comity is inconceivable and chaos is near;

Peace is not a circumstance, it is a state of mind;

Love is transcendental, easing the chains that bind!



It's the tiny things that are most satisfyingly significant;

They will inspire joy in your heart, true and magnificent;

If you harness the euphoria, passing it on to humankind;

The karma of Love will nourish, insuring peace of mind!



You can't succumb to hate with a heart full of gratitude;

Peace cleanses your spirit, inspiring respectful habitude;

What we could accomplish, free of anger, malice and fear;

Rising together with purpose, a bountiful future so clear!



Things are never the same, that is the promise of change;

If you find it not to your liking, either accept or rearrange;

At the heart of the matter you find you have complete control;

Perception is the guard rail influencing the health of your soul!



No matter what the challenge stay true to your ideals;

Stay between the ditches and keep rollin' them wheels;

Perseverance and determination will keep you in the fight;

Integrity and compassion insures your path is always right!



Your frame of reference is defined by attitude;

How you see things inspires either lows or altitude;

The choice is so simple, but execution can prove to be hard;

Choose love and compassion as your personal calling card!



The secret sauce on the ribs of life is gratitude;

That's the pure-D truth, not an empty platitude;

It inspires gracious hearts wherever your destination;

Makin' our world a better place thru simple causation!



All that there is, was and will be exists in the moment;

To be at peace in that instant is the best bestowment;

It's all we truly have, and the wellspring of noble desire;

A keystone of a Life well lived, moving your spirit higher!



Goals are but dreams with a deadline;

Make sure they're impactful, not benign;

Actions can make the future better than your past;

Integrity and compassion can insure that it will last!



I may not know you, and you may not know me;

Our views may coincide, or be far apart as can be;

But we can achieve much and move forward in unity;

If we extend mutual respect for benefit of community!



We dream of a future not dystopian;

Hopin' for harmony close to utopian;

Bypass differences, emphasize the common good;

We'll build a better world for all, just like we should!



Peace will rise when internal conflicts are reconciled;

When challenged, endure; always Bless when reviled;

Learn relentlessly, share with unshakable generosity;

Impart respectful dignity to imbue Love's reciprocity!



Music is the vehicle to soothe the savage breast;

This is a straight up fact to which we all can attest;

The message relates, informs, or plain speaks to your heart;

Support those artists that purvey, raisin' healing to an art!



When lookin' for the best way to influence the masses;

Just share the clear view thru your rose colored glasses;

With Love and Compassion applied we can keep it going;

Beauty is found everywhere you look with joy ever flowing!



Don't be distracted by the noise, follow your heart;

Extend respect universally and always do your part;

Be part of the solution, never create chaos or do any harm;

One Love One people One planet is in all ways the charm!



Our dreams must be larger than the day to day;

They provide the hope and orchestrate the way;

Much like integrity inspires us to live by the golden rule;

Makin' our journey magnificent and demonstrably Cool!



When the piper comes to collect his due;

Pull out the cash from your worn out shoe;

Offer to pay in full, if he grants you one desire;

One Love unifying mankind, to which we aspire!



As we review the details and analyze the past;

We come up with a simple fact destined to last;

No matter the obstacles it comes down to truth itself;

The biggest barrier to triumph is predominantly yourself!



The brightest path forward is full of real gratitude;

There is no better way to grow a positive attitude;

With soul shinin' bright, you can easily inspire the masses;

Sharin' the Love and your view from rose colored glasses!



The sun may be shinin' but there are bumps in the road;

Keep liftin' that bale and always keep the barge towed;

The direction is forward for the intrepid and the consistent;

As we teach mankind to Be kind and peacefully coexistent!



The way it's intended ain't about 'ME', it's about 'WE';

It's the only way for mankind to succeed, anyone can see;

We accomplish much and shine with universal open hearts;

Embracing inclusivity in progress and the wisdom it imparts!



LIVE Music is back, but we must be vigilant;

Be safe, be considerate and never belligerent;

We want to keep on keepin' on, totally safe and secure;

Whether by vaccination or mask, reflect you are mature!



To dream is one thing, to plan and achieve another;

We need to take steps to protect our Earth Mother;

She is elegant and unique, continuing to harbor us all;

To insure our future, it's time we heeded the clarion call!



No one can teach, but we all sure can learn;

Grace and Karma are gifts that we must earn;

Life itself has no meaning, it's purpose You create;

With a heart full of Love, your influence will be great!



If you do it right, you don't age, you mature with grace;

Balance living well with compassion, and refined pace;

The wisdom you acquire should be shared often and free;

With a heart filled with love, you'll become all you can be!



The road to a life well lived involves giving love away;

Whether to friends, strangers or foes, do it every day;

It cleanses the spirit and harvests reciprocity's reward;

It's a self fulfilling routine that brings all souls onboard!



We are but the sum total of our individual perceptions;

Both the utterly accurate as well as the misconceptions;

Fooling ourselves with 'truths' or creating comfortable lies;

Will define our path as neither prudent nor eminently wise!



We have all made choices contrary to our better knowin';

Focus not on where you've been but where you are goin';

Salvation is always forthcoming in the very next step taken;

Your spirit, co-eternal with the universe, continues unshaken!



As solid as granite and as sure as tomorrow;

As deep as the oceans, as high as Kilimanjaro;

The potential is boundless, no task beyond our power;

When we Love each other, Hope blooms like a flower!



Things are never static, that is the nature of change;

Whether joyous and expected, or awkward and strange;

It is an opportunity to grow, a gift from the Cosmic Way;

The modality of your response establishes crisis or play!



True joy is found in small gifts and in positive change;

Especially if it inspires our moral notions to rearrange;

We come into the world with no prejudice, naif and naive;

If Pure Love is our paradigm, imagine what we'll achieve!



The goodness in folks can be difficult to see;

Look deep in their hearts, that's were it will be;

Some days it shines bright, other days it is dimmer;

You'll always find hope, even if it's only a glimmer!



The joy of emerging hope is giddy indeed;

It fills your soul full, healing a heart in need;

Be grateful, appreciate it, then be sure to pass it along;

Sharing happiness with others elicits Love's sweet song!



If you must fabricate 'truth' to suit a notional narrative;

Try ideological detoxification for a healthy reparative;

Your fears will melt away, a new inner peace achieved;

Love will guide when serenity and grace are received!



At this age I find that my get up and go got up and went;

Steam's gone and my ramrod spine is stooped and bent;

My brain is foggy and sharp vision eludes my tired eyes;

But with endless gratitude, grit and happiness, still I rise!



Mindfulness is focused attention on the here and now;

It mutes cognizance of the past, future, of where and how;

Ending the cerebrations of regret and fear of what may be;

Will free your spirit to create peaceful ethos and serenity! 



Politics and Religion control the perceptions of the classes;

Control is power, demanding total allegiance of the masses;

They do not create unity, encouraging division and dissent;

Righteous rigid mindsets, will restrain evolutionary ascent! 



When faced with the insurmountable, it's not too hard;

Dismiss fear, step forward and gently drop your guard;

The way is always clearest when illusory doubts are scant;

Goals are won by confidence, or by not knowing you can't!



Mama always warned life is hard and not always fair;

Her advice was grow a tough hide and a resilient pair;

Don't take it too personal and always get up when you fall;

Love hard, fear nothing, don't stop and never dream small!



It's a new dawn, heralding a new year, whatcha gonna do;

Are you gonna hold onto the old or create a brand new you;

The path you walk is how you roll and should be cause for joy;

Here's wishin' sweet dreams come true for every girl and boy!



How we walk the path and treat those we engage;

Foments sublime joy as well as righteous outrage;

At times of moral choice, for the interest of clarity;

Simply put, your character will define your destiny!  



When you pay it forward, your soul will surely shine;

It will inspire others to do it too, so take it as a sign;

Kindness pays dividends that just can't be bought;

You'll feel love and happiness, just like you ought!  



Understanding each other creates the foundation;

Accepting each other generates harmonious vibration;

It presages the possibilities for the next quantum stride;

An evolution of human nature imbued with humble pride!  



The Quantum Theory of Metaphysics has firmly suggested;

That every point in space and time is intimately connected;

Every action has consequences beyond our comprehension;

We are not singular beings, we're part of the cosmic extension!  



The best gift costs nothing but dedicated mindfulness;

It lights up everyone's heart in virtuous righteousness;

It is a gift, freely given, that is most likely to be shared;

Kindness extended to all folk, declares that you cared!  



We celebrate as we did when we were young;

A simpler time with compassion and carols sung;

It is my wish we can recognize we are truly but ONE;

Let Peace, dignity, and Love embrace all under the sun!  



Yesterday and tomorrow don't shine like the here and now;

Soak it all up and bask in the moment, maximizin' the WOW;

Gratitude is a gift you give yourself that just keeps on givin';

Inspiring Peace and sharing the Love is most excellent Livin'!  



Believe, Hope, Persist and Rise;

Seek truth, deny self serving lies;

Kindness is the fuel driving the engine of Love;

Grace will fill the heart with glory from above!  



We can forge forward the hard way, or we can do it united;

Together we can't lose, any other approach is short sighted;

The choice is up to each of us to respect every individual’s heart;

Take a deep breath, letting emotions rest would be a very good start!  



It is said righteous indignation can initiate revolutions;

Plans and perseverance are needed to build institutions;

Effort expended without consensus is just a waste of energy;

We need to all come together to create change thru synergy!  



Change is constant, leavin' things not quite the same;

Don't fret about what was, learn how to play the game;

Change things you can, using the gifts you have been given;

Makin' our reality a better place is how we should be driven!  



It is so simple, but hard to navigate;

The path is shrouded in unclear fate;

It is all up to you, choose peace or strife;

Lead with your heart, on the journey of life!  



At the end of your journey the final tally is evident;

On how you learned the lessons in your time spent;

Were you driven by Love and compassion or greed and strife;

Granted the gift of choice, it is up to you to define your life!  



If we band together, like the One Family we began as;

We can overcome anything Evil's nefarious plan has;

Our actions will reveal a destiny written with all of us in mind;

How it unfolds in time untold is not guaranteed or yet defined! 



Our Dreams gain substance if we do the hard work;

Dedication and faith drive out fears where they lurk;

The steps we take today sets the foundation of tomorrow;

Our desires and ambitions will become our new status quo! 



In times of darkness, when even hope is out of our sight;

It's best to brighten the path with our Better Angels light;

Tempering our thoughts and actions to benefit the good of All;

Goes a long way to inspire peace, heeding Love's Clarion Call!  



If we just close our eyes and learn to 'see' with our hearts;

We'd benefit from absolute truth and the wisdom it imparts;

We'd judge not and prioritize the needs of ALL in our 'Boat';

I pray integrity and honor guides you as you cast your VOTE!  



This time and space needs support of every individual;

We get one chance to come together to act synchronal;

The miracle that happens lifts up All in mind and spirit;

Forging the joyous magnificence of humanity inherent!  



When your routine is shattered and nothin' is like it was;

Don't obsess on what doesn't work, focus on what does;

Pick up the pieces and build new habits that fit circumstances;

Findin' peace, Love and happiness as attitude surely enhances!  



Now under assault, truth has never been needed more;

A future of equal justice and opportunity is at the core;

If we can't maintain honor and integrity, we have lost our ways;

We must all stand together, in the mission to build better days!  



It's always darkest before the dawn, with spirit at low ebb;

With sunrise we are renewed, resuming spin to our life's web;

The challenge is to leave this day better off than it started;

Sharing joy and compassion, triumphant and whole hearted!  



Clean air and fresh water are essential for life;

Ain't no doubt or substitute to nurture wildlife; 

For a future of any kind, we got to work together;

Solutions to common problems must be the bellwether!



Honor and integrity can never be taken from you;

It can only be surrendered by what you say or do; 

When ‘truth’ is shaped by perception, we must judge by acts;

Our story is written by repetitive, historical, behavioral facts!



Kindness is a gift, empathy is a connection;

The cost is negligible, the reward confection; 

Joy multiplies between us, spreading from head to heart;

Tis simply restoring respect & giving peace a head start!



Change is a constant, desire is but a whim;

Attitude defines both, be it joyous or grim; 

Inspire positives with compassionate, intentional actions;

Avoid passing judgement, and other feckless distractions!



No matter the effort, you can't change folks' mind;

You can address Your view of 'em, attitude refined; 

If we can't agree on opinion, we can still embrace respect;

It's but a simple way to get along, peacefully circumspect!



I bear you no malice if we don't agree;

Respectful dialog will allow us both to see;

Differences foster baleful, petty and negative feelings;

Unlike joyful commonalities that bond us human beings!



I dreamed of a world built on honor and respect;

Where we care for our planet and life we protect;

This notion, fostered with childhood friends each day;

I cling to, in hope for all of us, as I grow older and gray!



The lessons we've learned we must practice to keep;

In this day and age you'll find, away they will creep;

If you want a better world for all children of tomorrow;

Act with kindness and love, not teach hatred and sorrow!



Restating lies louder don't bring 'em closer to the truth;

Divining for honesty may be the next fountain of youth;

At the very least the quest is the best way to spend time;

Sharing knowledge and love is mankind's best paradigm!



Personal peace is an individual, yet universal goal;

It defines hearts' actions and a calmness in our soul;

It is achieved thru love, empathy, compassion and respect;

Fear and hatred will subvert the dream when left unchecked!



We're blessed with family and stories to share;

Sometimes joyous, sometimes sadness to bear;

It's all part of a grand journey both infinite and short;

All defined by Love shared in tiny moments of import!



This time of year encourages us to end the strife;

Mend them fences, welcomin' all back into yer life;

Political differences are fodder for civil conversation;

Don't let it become a wedge separating all in our nation!



Gratitude is the foundation of your personal peace;

It fosters deep joy, causing exponential increase;

Sharing Love shines light on the magnificence of spirit;

Lift up all Souls to rejoice in our commonality inherent!



Our hearts will thrive thru Love shared;

When random act of kindness are dared;

When we all stand together the soul mends;

With empathy, WE are ONE, until time ends!



Choice comes from either impetulence or contemplation;

However predicated, there's no responsibility abdication;

Consider actions with care and all unintended consequence;

It defines how we move forward, in discord or concomitance!



Hatred confines you to a box, with no room to grow;

Echoing prevalent base lies to keep your spirit in tow;

Love shared fluidly with all, nurtures the heart and sets you free;

It's the simplest hard choice you'll make, defining who you will be! 



Time is the most precious, ephemeral gift we are given;

We invest it in pursuit of dreams, both restful and driven;

When all’s said and done and you reflect on choices made;

Peace is found in acts of compassion and Love conveyed! 



Simply put; what you think about, you will bring about;

You choose direction, then try hard to figure it all out;

Fear begets hatred, as sure as positivity creates peace;

Embrace joy, share Love, and feel your distress release! 



Truth is significantly more valuable than personal opinion;

Opinion repeated louder does not enter truth's dominion;

Sharing alternate facts doesn't contribute to honest discourse;

Confirm information to insure you become a reliable resource! 



We can exist with little, but balance is required to thrive;

Good deeds offset the bad ones, the latter you must shrive;

No matter what we do or who we are, whether positive or other;

Karma requires we live in harmony, caring for our Earth Mother! 



We crave culture, civility, compassion, and care;

Don't matter what we gotta do in order to get there;

We all learned how to get along as kids in the sandbox;

Differences are gifts, requiring respect in our toolbox! 



Politics and religion are but individually held opinion;

I ain't gonna waste time draggin' you into my dominion;

I choose to advocate ways in which we can work together;

With peace, love and understanding as mankind's treasure! 



Truth matters, it's the pillar of worthwhile relationships;

The propensity to lie is the worst of personal postscripts;

There is only one fool who actually believes the prevarication;

The initiating soul is full of caca and in dire need of purgation!  



When sellin' your opinion, arguin' your point of view;

Stick to the positive facts, beneficial to all, and true;

Persuasion is an art best practiced in the realm of reality;

Unless tryin' to change a mind with the cognition of a flea!  



Joy and peace thrive well in an absence of fear;

Fostering the best in us and those we hold dear;

The unknown is just that, and will be dealt with, in it's time;

Until then, don't fret, continue the plan, and onward, climb!  



Adversity and challenge do present opportunity;

Most often the best is we come together in unity;

The Human Spirit endures, much longer than history tells;

Each time the faithful get stronger, lifted up from dark wells!  



Knowledge is power and unified purpose defines;

It’s darkest of times when Humanity really shines;

Politics and prejudice fade when we embrace homogeneity;

The upside of a crisis is joyous serendipitous spontaneity!  



The path you walk reflects the truth in your soul;

Perception of the view shapes attitude as you stroll;

Peace or chaos is a choice you 'think' is out of your control;

But intentional step after step will take you to your goal!  



The more selflessly you give, the more ye shall reap;

Magnanimity is a simple concept, not a quantum leap;

It's the best way to leave this place better'n when ya found it;

It's a gift to self, of life well lived, while those in need benefit! 



Common sense ain't common, as documented in the news;

Some times ya gotta shake yer head 'n crank up them Blues;

I know it's not for enjoyment as you watch the dumb down dance;

But laughter is better for mental health, livin' with circumstance!  



One for all and all for one is a paradigm so sweet;

It would save us from a future, greedy and replete;

We're a species unique, struggling with the concept of 'One';

It's simple; joined together we win, stay separate we're done!  



Although we are 'One', motivations are across the board;

Some'll give the shirt off their back, others find need to hoard;

If you want to understand differences between the 'Us' and 'ME';

'ME's' obsess fear & hate,  'Ones' use Love for the good of 'We'!  



Peace is abundant, laying dormant in your heart;

To awaken it fully you must actively do your part;

Steadfast kindness, empathy, and compassion, are the keys;

Finding  joy in our common humanity is what Love guarantees!  



You woke up, opened your eyes and breathed today;

Be grateful 'cause you wouldn't want it any other way;

Gratitude's contagious, you should share it with all you meet;

The rewards are swift, soul healing with heartfelt joy replete!  



If you respect yourself, it's easy to respect others;

It surprises me many don't, when given their druthers;

It must've been forgotten we share one planet and one goal;

It takes selflessness and truth to cleanse the collective soul!  



My friends, we are bein' challenged by plague and hate;

We can persevere and overcome 'cause it ain't too late;

We must respect each other as sisters and brothers;

Caring for all like they're our Fathers and Mothers!  



Change rarely comes easy and is generally overdue;

It is testament to faith and persevering on through;

Blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice is always the price paid;

The faithful leading the charge, heart-strong and not afraid!  



We come into this world, without the stench of prejudice;

We're taught myths and biases, making truth incredulous;

With eyes wide open, courage and a compassionate heart;

We can transcend the hatred, giving Love a fresh start!  



Bringing Peace to your soul is a personal duty;

Calm your mind and be baptized in nature’s beauty;

Embrace music in your heart with compassionate proclivity;

You can change the world with Love, inspiring human dignity!  



The best way to foster change is offering a helping hand;

To make the world better using Love is a mission Grand;

We don't have to agree on opinions, just that we're all the same;

I'm sure we'll find many things in common, while playin' life's game!  



Satisfaction takes hold when responsibility is embraced;

Respect grows stronger in triumph when fears are faced;

It is what it is they always say, what is shall eternally be;

Apart we're adrift, but when united, together we are free!  



Accept your lessons with style and grace;

It's edifying, leavin' you in a better place;

An open mind always has room for wiser knowledge;

Makin' 'knocks' less hard as you attend life's college!  



Karma fills your fulcrum with positives and negatives;

Balance is maintained by following moral imperatives;

Learning from the sum total can help you on your quest;

Extending love & respect will always leave you blessed!  



Is your next step taken by choice or preordained;

It's the chicken or the egg paradigm totally sustained;

Throw off the chains you have created, let your soul fly;

Embracing true spiritual freedom without having to die!  



We struggle with circumstances while soaring with hope;

Tho' the travails of everyday can make it harder to cope;

Know true power comes from within, & Love is it's manifestation;

Fulfilling the dream for a better world, built on a solid foundation!  



If the tides rise and it's left up to you to save us all;

Will you stand up, heed the clarion and answer the call;

Mother Earth needs our help, as do folks in dire distress;

Open your heart with compassion, so Love will coalesce!  



Your future is as bright as you believe it will be;

It's about a plan and courage to work it, you see;

All the darkness is but illusion brought on by base fear;

Turn the negatives to positives and kick it into high gear!  



If you're measuring success by money, power, and stuff;

Your character is weak and your game ain't up to snuff;

True riches are found in Honor, Compassion, and Integrity;

Makin' the World inclusive for all will boost your prosperity!  



In trying times, have faith in your sisters and brothers;

With respect, share the love for all fathers and mothers;

We pray for the day when mankind understands we are all One;

Make respectful compassion our mantra for peace under the sun!



There is magic in our hearts, share it with all;

There is joy to be spread, heed the season's call;

Practice random acts of kindness, inspired by grace above;

Change the world with the undeniable power of pure love!



Don't espouse resolutions, just commit to change;

Imagine goals with purpose and priority arranged;

What you think about you will bring about with a bit of grit;

The new you looks good on you, once your old habits are quit!



If yer still learnin', you're still growin';

If you're still growin', life is still flowin';

The path ahead might not be as long as the path behind;

Just keep steppin' side by side with the rest of mankind!



It is all very transitory, designed to be enjoyed right now;

Don't waste time regretin' the past or sweatin' future how;

Life tickles your palate after the lips, yet before you swallow;

Savor moments before they're gone leavin' you sad and hollow!



Modern politics practiced seems to divide;

Civility withers as alternative facts misguide;

Truth is black and white, not differing shades of gray;

Common goals, simple solutions insure we win the day!



If you end up again somewhere you don't wanna be; 

You may realize your old tricks are no longer the key;

To learn from mistakes you must work a better plan;

Kick the old you to the curb and stand up like a man!



Some folks rely on luck, others on pure-d skill;

Serendipity’s OK but solid talent will always kill;

Work your craft, woodshed some more and then repeat;

The rewards will be evident and success will taste sweet!



Fear in general; of loss, of 'different', or even of change;

Is so unnecessary, moving you right into hatred's range;

We simply gotta live together, progressin' forward as one;

Trade fear for love 'n respect to preserve our future's run!



If your narrative is filled with vitriol and derision;

It's an indication that you need a spiritual revision;

Your time here is short, don't waste it disrespectful and hatin';

Rejoice in your ride, replete with compassion and appreciatin'!



Are you driven by fears or by positive inspiration;

What occupies your thoughts becomes your narration;

That dialog influences your world for good or for bad;

You can choose to uplift with love, or be stagnantly sad!



Hatred and fear spreads with the speed of a hurricane;

Twisting truth to suit ideology, inspiring anger and pain;

Love and compassion builds trust at a slower, steadier pace;

Creating bonds of understanding throughout the human race!



Our time here is a beautiful gift, although painfully finite;

We strive, learn and create, hopefully impacting bright;

Our life is defined in memories carried by loved ones we touch;

It's communion of joy in our simple journey, cherished so much!



It is very difficult to teach, but we all naturally learn;

We're the sum of our perceptions of which we discern;

We are who we are, sewing chaos or peace, along the way;

Either part of the problem or part of the fix at the end of day!



Reasonable folks can disagree on issues of the day;

It's commonsensible to foster respect with 'us' vs 'they';

When it's all said and done, it's about the commonality of 'we';

One Planet, One People, One Love when we become hatred free!



It's a good day when you arise fully aware;

Grateful for your gifts that you freely share;

But it's a great day when challenged to rise above;

By responding to hatred with compassion and love!



There ain't no secret in how to build a good life;

It starts with respect and avoiding petty strife;

It all comes full circle when gratitude is your guide;

Allow compassion for all mankind nourish your pride!



Sadly we live in a time where truth is attacked; 

We're prone to accept memes not factually backed;

It's time to renew respectful communication one on one;

Adopting reasonable compromise that embraces everyone!



If you come to a crossroads, compelled to choose;

Embrace your core values, and you'll never loose; 

Choices are easy to make but hard to follow thru on;

It takes grit and integrity, flexin' determination brawn!



Why moan and complain about the status quo;

Start initiatin' positive change and make it so;  

Good deeds are like antibiotics to convert the hate; 

Sowing seeds of holistic love at an exponential rate! 



Forgiveness ain't for them, it is for you;

In the first step of healing, spirits renew; 

With emotional weight shed, you're free to proceed;

On your glorious journey, joyful, enlightened 'n freed!



Just do your best and be proud, that was the goal;

It's a sure way to dig out of a dark emotional hole; 

Joy is to be claimed with every step and at each breath taken;

Spreading happiness and preachin' peace with faith unshaken!



There is always sun on either side of rain;

The path is crazy at times, but mostly sane; 

If overwhelmed, just step back and slowly exhale;

You'll find it's the best way to take life at full sail!



Joy lives in the heart, worry lives in the head;

Feed your heart blessin's when you hit the bed; 

The brain will follow when you start the day renewed;

Grow interest in karma's bank, good tidings accrued!



You can step forward, just hold tight, or retreat;

You can honor truth, respect all, or you can cheat; 

The path you choose today dictates how your story ends;

Spred joy 'n share your heart, while your spirit transcends!



Of all the gifts given to us, two are most excellent;

Their power and truth, overwhelmingly most evident; 

They encourage your courage and steel your resolution;

Fearless Hope & Unconditional Love sustains evolution!



The summer may be short, but it's part of a larger scheme;

It provides comfort, and perchance, opportunity to dream; 

Don't waste time, invest in the notion of keepin' the blues alive;

‘Cause all together, just you's and me, can insure it will survive!



A journey with courage, compassion, and joy;

Ripe with satisfaction and good will to deploy; 

Nourishes the spirit, and fosters positivity in all you meet;

Leavin' things better'n when ya found 'em, in a heartbeat!



Don't ditch your morals for some perceived gain;

Your heart will speak truth to an overloaded brain; 

Compassion and love shared without concern of cost;

Shines light on our journey without your humanity lost!



You don't have to struggle to find gratitude;

It's the heart and soul of a positive attitude; 

If you embrace the gift of the next breath taken;

And disseminate love from the moment you awaken!



Opinions should foment simple, honest debate;

Not denigrate, defile, or exhort wanton hate; 

If the premise is insulting, the opinion lacks validity;

Fueled by emotion not fact, illustrating base acridity!



The older I get, the more I'm prone to loudly declare;

Opinions are unique, the stuff you're inspired to share; 

The goal is not to change the views or position of others;

It's comfort and support extended to Sisters and Brothers!



The cacophony becomes deafening each & every day;

Ain't nothin' to see, nothin' to learn, & nothin' left to say; 

Political noise inflates fears unfounded, drivin' us apart;

Working together is best to calm the storms of the heart!



The problem is you can fool too many way too often;

The results are that hard truth just begins to soften; 

They're dumbing us down, sellin' snake oil to the masses;

Embrace common sense and view with skeptic's glasses!



I dream of a world where we understand priority;

With respect pandemic, and 'one for all' a warranty; 

Where stewardship of a healthy Mother Earth is job one;

Insuring clean air and water for all tomorrows under the sun!



We learned inclusive respect and sharing in the sandbox;

We learned truth and integrity in the school of hard knocks; 

Somewhere along the way some folks abandoned these tools;

Please recapture youthful wisdom and live by the golden rules!



Success is grand accomplishment without concern for cost;

Courage is selflessly doin' the right thing, even if all is lost; 

Since we are but one people, in this only place we can exist;

We best all come together if we expect our planet to persist!



Music takes you away from the daily strife;

It reinforces the positive good things in life; 

It heals the pains and bridges the colloquial gap;

It's our common ground, a peace filled road map!



Sometimes the best laid plans crash and go awry;

The flu may kick our ass; hopin' we curl up and die;

The world ain't always our oyster and our luck may even fail;

But gettin' up beats the alternative of slippin' beyond the pale!



I believe we all 'got' simple math in elementary schools;

Odd that politicians, pundits and opines think we're fools;

One side says 1 and 1 is 2.5, the other swears it is one and a half;

Truth remains in the middle, don't ever put stock their fuzzy math!



The grand success of progress is insured at the start;

It's initiative, integrity and drive, not your plans, so smart;

If ya got the gumption to find your purpose, and achieve your goal;

It don't matter how messy the journey if you remain true to your soul!



Man's inhumanity seems more prevalent as society ages;

It is a sign of greed driven bent, that races to end stages;

Remember all life is a gift, to loudly defend and deeply cherish;

Lest we sell our humanity cheap and without a whisper, perish!



Shining a light on controversy, the cause is mostly the same;

Applying common wisdom just doesn't assign correct blame;

The opinions of human beings are based on emotional evolution;

While technology has passed us by, overwhelming our resolution!



Some days it seems like fate conspires against us;

It may confound, frustrate and inspire us to cuss;

That's when the three steps forward require one step back;

Embrace the zen of perspective, peacefully keepin' on track!



Strap yourself in, seize all control and plan the ride;

It's your road, whether up and down or side to side;

It is completely up to you to define the lessons learned;

With integrity and compassion, reap the wisdom earned!



Chaos always rains down in our agitated world;

Don't let it define and make you fetally curled;

No matter the maelstrom, peace is always intimately near;

With a heart filled with love, compassion and absence of fear!



Make time to shut down the computer, turn off the phone;

Consider it an old school mental health day in a peace zone;

They say 'No news is good news', and today that's particularly true;

It is the best way to refresh, recover, and adjust perspective anew!



Spring is a time of cleansing rebirth;

For us individuals as well as the earth;

Plant seeds of empathy to foster understanding;

Nurture compassion while your love is expanding!



Don't take the bait from meme's posted on the net;

Whatever the subject, it's designed to justify or upset;

Dulling desire for truth and shorten your attention span;

Keeping us divided, numb and programmed like a caveman!



Joy grows from a seed, nurtured by the music you love;

It magically converts the negatives you must dispose of;

Sharing with others and spreading harmony is the best gift;

Creating happiness and soulful tranquility, a spiritual up lift!



It’s said that what you think about;

Is exactly what you will bring about;

Intentional living will breathe life into your belief;

Change the world, share the love, bestow relief!



When love's freely offered with no intention of harms;

It Influences the intractable and peacefully disarms;

It's a start that basks two souls in a light from above;

Pass it on to spread peace that we all can be part of!



Truth can't be constructed, opinion based, or fabricated;

Even tho in social media 'alternate facts' are celebrated;

We need to rise above and accept realities inconvenient;

Embracing our basic similarities to dispel disagreement!



If you wanna make a change, better start now;

Don't wait for a moment or be slowed by how;

Avoid the stagnation while analyzing your plan;

Go with love in your heart, applyin’ gentle hand!



Hang on to the lessons learned in the sandbox;

Don't eat the wet sand and never throw rocks;

Build what you dream, don't stop ‘til completed;

And treat all kids just like you wanna be treated!



Time is a nonrenewable commodity that always is spent;

Don't prioritize and you'll wonder where the heck it went;

All things can be accomplished if you stick to a plan true;

Take one step at a time all the time to insure diligence due!



If you believe the path thru your life is unfairly tough;

YOU chose the direction to learn when enough's enough; 
You can only move forward when your lesson is learned; 

Otherwise you'll repeat mistakes without serenity earned!



If, at the end of your long journey, you come to find;

Service to others was always at the top of your mind; 
With generosity, kindness in your heart, and mistakes rectified; 

You've lived your life well; ascend with honor, peace and pride!



If someone were to judge human evolution so far;

It’d shock ‘em we’ve managed to get where we are; 
The first nonnegotiable rule of a self aware creature; 

Respect ALL life before self, with love as your teacher!



In today’s world, our expectations are rarely met;

Sometimes it's sweet, sometimes not, it's a safe bet; 
Know in the Grand Scheme there's a balance for us pawn; 

Simply go with the flow, your OK, Stay Calm and Carry On!



You can't fight politics and you can't change religion;

You CAN find common ground to help end division; 

After all, if you don't do it, heaven knows 'they' won't;

Get along, evolve, thrive together in peace;..or don't!



As you travel this life, eyes open wide;

Let honor and integrity be your guide;  

Don't be hobbled by fear or the hatred it creates;

Soar with One Love, shedding prejudice's weights!



It ain't words that sound honest and true;

It's actions and facts that define true blue;   

What you hear and read may be self serving lies; 

Relax, trust your heart, keepin' eyes on the prize!



It 's not about 'you', it's all about 'US';

We're all passengers on a worldwide bus;   

We gotta get along in case that 'bus' breaks down; 

The only way forward is embracin' common ground!



With time, folks will forget the lies that you tell;

They will even forgive evil deeds deserving Hell;  

The one thing that defines, what they won't forget;

Is how you make 'em feel; whether joyous or upset!



A self-aware being will establish values as a guide;

Whether open to possibilities or trapped by fear inside;  

The choice is singular, neither all right nor entirely wrong;

The world created is either One Love or a cliquish throng!



Love and Hate are reactions to our world's view;

It's determined by our attitude, as if right on cue;  

What influences that sentiment is either fear or gratitude;

Soar thru life with pure joy or build hard walls to exclude!



Pop always said there's more horses asses than horses;

Advising folks possessing common sense to join forces;   

Since one step forward with two steps back ain't efficient; 

Avoid the stray asses and rise above the fray, omniscient!



So reasonable folks will disagree on issues, that's true;

Both may've honorable perceptions but contrary view;   

We must reconcile without fear at the end of the day; 

Diffuse barbed issues, simple compromise is the way!



Don't be part of the problem, take a role in the solution;

Share the love, extend respect, and make a contribution;   

We are all in this together, on a tiny speck in the universe; 

We either advance together in unity, or abortively disperse!



If you complained today, you just wasted your time;

If you were grateful today, you embraced joy sublime;  

When you commit an act of kindness, without getting caught;

The world becomes brighter, spreading the good that you got!



You can't accept inclusion, if you base your conclusions on fear;

Neither fight nor flight inspire peace, love or understanding here;

Makin' things better while hangin' in this time and in this place;

Requires practicin' selfless kindness; with the serenity you embrace!



We live in a time where the truth never seems clear;

It is a rare and precious thing, obviously very dear;

The value is sterling, it's desirability and pursuit is paramount;

It is more important than ever to embrace and never discount!



Delivered loud and consistent, lies are embraced as fact;

Detail fades quickly as the news cycle is carefully stacked;

Inquiring minds now accept 'facts', alternative and self serving;

Taking in just enough information to make ignorance deserving!



The best 'arrow' in our Character Quiver is tolerance;

It is an effective tool to overcome our base ignorance;

We can't be expected to understand everyone's intention;

But we can 'live and let live', engaging in hate abstention!



You'd do best to trade out your fear for curiosity;

It helps your heart exfoliate unattractive callosity;

You'll be amazed to discover what we can achieve together;

Breaking the cycle of prejudice, cutting loose hatred's tether!



It seems as tho our differences separate us;

As we berate, isolate and create a big fuss;

We should not feel attacked, as if it's a personal issue;

Seize opportunities to unite, compromise and continue!



Real Peace is not just the absence of strife;

It is heartfelt love 'n respect for EVERY life;

It's tough to embrace if you heed fear's clarion call;

Work for a better US, and tear down hatred's wall!



Be true to your cause, but don't beat a dead horse;

Learn to abide, reconcile and move on, of course;

All things have purpose, and end up just as they should;

Serenity thru acceptance and wisdom makes it all good!



Truth is always Truth, but common sense is rare;

It needs to be nurtured with practice and care;

We know what we likes, we need to spread it around;

With respect and One Love, universal kindness is found!



Shared Love creates joy and don't cost a thing;

It warms all folks hearts and makes souls sing;

It ain't just for the season, it's but a simple way to live;

In the end, the joy received is equal to the Love you give!



When dreams require life imbued; 

You must gird your loins and collude; 

Tap all resources and forge relentlessly ahead; 

Until your success is demonstrably widespread!



Honor and integrity will wash away sins of the past;

It ain't what you've done, it's about direction recast;

The path is full of conflicts, and we all have feet of clay;

But character defines you, guiding you safely on the way!



'Tis the season of good will, of hope, and of gingerbread;

If your prone to spreadin' good cheer, radically go ahead;

The joy that you create will be felt, and then be multiplied;

Harmony will nurture the spirit, even beyond Christmastide!



When it comes to Season's glee, Mama always taught;

It's entirely the best practice to give more than you got;

Papa always said, don't limit that kindness to just once a year;

Sharin' the Love all the time inspires deepfelt harmonic cheer!



As the magic of Christmas expands in your heart;

With cheerful 'Seasons Greetings', it's joy we impart;

Grateful for friends and life's blessings, our spirit is renewed;

May your New Year be guided by the Love you've accrued!



Believe, Hope, Persist, Rise;

Seek the Truth, Deny Lies;

Kindness is the fuel driving engines of Love;

Grace fills the Heart with Glory from Above!



New Years resolutions may be self defeating;

You know in a week you are already cheating;

It's better to call on your best angel to reinforce desire;

To always engage respectfully liftin' your spirit higher!



Dreams are just goals that haven't solidified yet;

All you need is courage and a first step up and get;

If ya get knocked down, it only makes you stronger;

When you keep on keepin' on, undauntable longer!



One for all and all for one defines success universal;

When we rise together, we engender a strife reversal;

The magnificence of the human experience can shine bright;

When we embrace commonplace respect and Love's light!



If'n ya feel like your gait is not as brisk as has been;

Or maybe your get up and go has done left you again;

Don't sweat the condition you may find yourself in today;

Be thankful your still kickin', and continue on the pathway!



With true love in our hearts and good music in our ears;

We feel so much younger than the amalgamation of years;

It may not be everything you need, but to tell you the trues;

It makes the journey better, when you travel with the Blues!



The magnificent bounty of life is measured in your deeds;

It is about liftin' others up and planting righteous seeds;

The harvest you will reap will be beyond all your dreams;

With a heart full of love, happiness triumphantly screams!



We are indeed born free of prejudice and fear;

Along our journey it's taught, that is fairly clear;

What we need to do, to shepherd a better tomorrow;

Is break those chains, stopping the pain and sorrow!



Satisfaction blooms when we perceive dreams come true;

It's driven by your attitude and an immensely positive view;

When given lemons you smile, pondering how did fate know;

Lemonade's exactly what I needed at this moment in life's flow!



If you can't see us all as Sisters and Brothers;

You best sit and chat with all unified Mothers;

They'll school you we all come and go the very same way;

Livin' with identical hopes and dreams every live long day!



We raise up ourselves when we lift up others;

We pray that all get that, if we had our druthers;

Until that day comes, we will do everything we can;

Workin' towards a better world is our daily plan!



The path is as long as you need, the journey promises;

Don't heed the naysayers nor the doubting Thomas's;

Keep your eye on the prize with nary a moment's hesitation;

Love and respect will direct you to a life well lived celebration!



Faith and Hope gets you thru until things improve;

Before you know it we'll be back in a smooth groove;

Share those gifts with others who may feel downtrodden;

When we all lift together, everyone's horizon will broaden!



Love binds when shared universally and without favor;

One planet, One People, One Love and never waiver;

The path, when walked together, allows us all to succeed;

Leave hatred and fear behind us, to flourish at lightspeed!



It's easier to make good choices if you get your mind right;

Learn from experience and plan prudently with foresight;

Never evade a good challenge, always respond altruistically;

Embrace serene balance provided to you serendipitously!



In troubled times you must always implement your best;

With dignity and compassion you will always be blessed;

If you can't change the situation, you can affect the result;

It's attitude that determines whether you complain or exult!



Spirits lifted will continue to soar;

Kindness practiced produces more;

Be the light that is always showin' the way;

There's no better way to live every single day!



Darkness is simply just an absence of light;

Everything is there, in it's place and all right;

The path is elemental, embrace serendipity with trust;

It's the journey that matters, make it absolutely robust!



We can't pick our challenges, but we sure own the response;

With humor, humility and grace, it's serenity we ensconce;

The lessons make us stronger, allowing our spirits to grow;

If yer payin' the cost of admission, you best enjoy the show!







We mark our time in minutes while livin' a full life;

We note the joys, the triumphs and even the strife;

The true measure of the journey is in gratitude and love;

Extend kindness to all, illuminating with light from above!



In times of loss and sorrow we cling to our faith;

No matter if it is devastation or a passing wraith;

Comfort and empathy are healing gifts we must impart;

Together we shall endure and triumph with One Heart!



When it comes to a life well lived, we hope for longevity;

The temptation is to focus on the whole in it's totality;

But we never know how much time we have under the sun;

So cherish each and every moment, startin' with this one...!



Why settle, when you deserve the best;

Don't pick the first, 'til you've seen the rest;

Your fortune is yours to claim, and there is no doubt;

You'll collect all of your wishes, before you cash out!



Hatred is a cancer attacking the collective soul;

It deceitfully creeps in exacting a devastating toll;

No one is immune to this overwhelming emotional scourge;

Pure LOVE is the sure cure to effect corruptive evils purge!



If you feel hatred rise inside, you need to rethink;

Take a breath and pull yourself, back from the brink;

Is it prejudice, feeling attacked, or just misjudged emotion;

Understanding the provocation is the first step of remotion!



As we go forward gently, proceeding down this path of life;

Tears flow abundantly, witnessing injustice cuttin' like a knife;

Tender moments provide our foundation, of everlasting joy;

Preachin' Love and universal respect is truly the real McCoy!



We are forged in the memories and lessons of the past;

Lookin' forward to the opportunities in a future asked;

What we desire, and crave to possess, when all is said and done;

Is peaceful serenity in the moment, rapt in the essence of ONE!



We anticipate without promise, a future that is bright;

We try to hedge our bets by always doin' what's right;

Do no harm, create no chaos, waitin' on tomorrow's bring;

Simplify, don't sweat what if's, and just do the next thing!



Dreams become real if you play your cards right;

Focus on the goal and don't let desire take flight;

Plan your work, work your plan and don't fall victim to doubt;

Integrity and determination are sure guides to the right route!



Age is just a number, stayin' young a state of mind;

If ya get yer head right, the years will treat ya kind; 
Get wisdom from experience and always pay yer dues; 

Always lend a helpin' hand, and be sure to share them blues!



Why stand still when you can move along;

Just feel the rhythm in yer heart full of song; 
Life is short but the journey can be great; 

Stoppin' to smell the roses won't make you late!



Summer is here so kick out yer yaya;

We play just the blues, no Lady Gaga; 
We likes to have fun and shake our ass; 

Soakin' up sun and dancin' in the grass!



So, ya gotta have fun to make this all work;

It's better lendin' a hand than bein' a jerk; 
Yer life will be better and the world will be too; 

If ya treats all ya meet like ya want 'em to treat you!



I'm pourin' high test, please have one on me;

It goes down smooth as you will surely see; 
We bring sight to the blind and help the crippled walk; 

We dispense the pure D healin' blues, no empty talk!



If yer lookin' for a free ride yer on the wrong track;

We're into sweat equity, ya'll got to give some back; 
We'll provide the inspiration, you gotta give up the sweat; 

Dancin' to duos, trios and even the special house quartet!



Enjoy the sun when it shines in the sky;

No need to consider or even ask why; 
Take the advice freely given and share gratitude; 

Life is way too short to not dig the ride, Dude!



We make a difference when we share the praise;

It dispells the darkness and gives spirits a raise; 
It ain't the destination, it's how we enjoy the trip; 

Always choose the high road if ya'll wanna be hip!



Whether drivin' the couch or dusty back road;

We shoulder yer burdens to lighten yer load; 
It's the least we can do, believe me we checked; 

Our simple goal is to leave yer boredom wrecked!



It don't matter how big they are, they will all fall;

Just use yer dazzlin' dance moves and be 10 ft tall; 
When it's all said and the bell has rung loud; 

Just shout out I'm a blueser and mighty proud!



With a journey of the mind you don't need a map;

It starts with serendipity and ends up with a nap; 
You know we'll care for ya and pay the piper his dues; 

When ya take the trip called Hammered By The Blues!



When you need to get nourished deep in yer soul;

We restore to a rich blue cast, not black as coal; 
  We always leave ya better than when we found you; 

Thats what friends are for, that's just what we do!



 Tho' the economy's shaky and things look bleak;

We jump in the music to find what we seek; 
  We embrace the positive and shine on the bad; 

Dancin' down the blues highway will make ya feel glad!



The cure is simple and the medicine's sweet;

Just feel the music and start movin' yer feet; 
  We can fix the worlds' problems, but it starts with you; 

Share the joy of the blues and others will share it too!



Happiness is easy if ya follows the clues;

Just treat all others well and pay yer dues; 
  Show tolerance for folks that can't find their way; 

And be sure to take a large dose of blues every day!



Now, the best way for you to face yer fear;

Always starts by keepin' good friends near; 
  Then call in the experts from Hammered By The Blues; 

At the end of the session, all yer fears you will lose!



Regular maintenance keeps yer mojo clean;

It don't take long, you know what we mean; 
  It's just an hour a week with friends by yer side; 

Hammered By The Blues is the best thing you've tried!



We rhyme ya, rock ya and rolls ya out the door;

It is so good to leave it all on the dance floor; 
  We can't make ya younger, but you'll enjoy whatcha got; 

'Cause shakin' and shimmyin' make ya'll look hot!



Now we may not be doctors but we do operate;

We toss care to the wind and embrace our fate; 
  We hope for all the time in the world before we go into the night; 

But 'right now' is all the time ya need if'n ya learn to live right!



We'll service ya right no matter the need;

We never follow, we always take the lead; 
  We play just fresh new stuff, ya gots nothin' to lose; 

Ya'll come back and visit at Hammered By The Blues!



The time is right and the music is sweet;

Just hang around a bit and feel the heat; 
  We'll fire up the turntable and play some of the best; 

Put the speakers in the window and have a backyard fest!



Sometimes the load we carry can be great;

It can cause illness or irrational hate; 
  The Blues is the cure and we dispense it for free; 

Relax, take a dose of the 12 bar and you gots the key!



Ya gots to take a chance and set yerself free;

Cast off yer troubles and surely you will see; 
  Lovin' the blues is the best way to travel the road; 

Rejoice and feel the freedom as you lose your load!



The blues ain't just for goblins and spooks;

It's played at fests, in grand halls and jukes; 
  It puts a spring in yer step and keeps yer flow on a roll; 

If you don't feel the blues you have a hole in your soul!



Relationships come and relationships go;

That's just simply the nature of life's flow; 
  But one thing you can count on and believe in all year; 

Hammered By The Blues loves you and holds yer love dear!



Meetin' new friends is the best thing in life;

It enriches your soul and calms all the strife; 
  Now that we know you, our mission is complete; 

Hammered By The Blues loves you and we saved ya a seat!



Sometimes in life we freely give up control;

You might just find this can release your soul; 
  When yer hooked on the blues everything is alright; 

You'll be smilin' all day and long into the night!



When yer cool, the sun shines all the time;

Whether you be soul shouter or quiet mime; 
It's yer attitude that makes yer future bright; 

Carry the blues in yer heart and get yer head right!



Time can be fleetin' and moments slippin' by;

For the key to happiness give this a try; 
Savor each moment like it might be yer last; 

Life will be fuller and not slippin' away fast!



Life can be accidental or very well planned;

Just do your best when you finally land; 
Don't get nervous but you just get one try; 

If you spill all the milk just please don't cry!



'Tis the season to embrace yer brothers;

Whether they be sisters or bunches of others; 
Please open up your hearts, let peace and brotherhood reign; 

Sharin' the love with all God's Chill'ns, will ease the world's pain!



We are so grateful to have good friends like youse;

As we go 'bout sharin' those brand new blues; 
The wish we send to you is never lost in our mirth; 

Good will, sweet dreams come true and peace on Earth!



New Years resolutions are made with good intentions;

Keepin' them takes resolve, not anyones interventions; 
Make 'em simple, just try to be who you want to be; 

Then it'll be easy to keep 'em, just you wait and see!



Happiness ain't an option, it's a gotta;

It's best experienced with a whole lotta; 
We'll do our best, tune in, you got nothin' to lose; 

We'll share the love at Hammered By The Blues!



We're yer one stop blues fix, we got what you need;

Just settle in, turn it up and let us plant the first seed; 
You're hangin' with the best folks, bluesers one and all; 

Just relax, have fun and heed the blues siren call!



 We're on a mission and we don't waste time;

We can turn from acoustic to electric on a dime; 
Our definition of the blues is broad and very free; 

Tune into Hammered By The Blues and you will see!



Time always seems to fly when yer havin' fun;

No matter if yer strollin' or takin' life on a run; 
It's all grand when spent with friends like youse; 

Sendin' all our love from Hammered By The Blues!



Our job is easy, but we take it very serious;

Whether it's soft pickin' or drummin' furious; 
We provide the new blues you just need to hear; 

We'll wear out yer shoes and get that glass eye to tear!



Sometimes we just tweek, others we overhaul;

We provide what ya need and give you our all; 
Get yer blues fix regular and be sure to pay yer dues; 

We'll service ya 24-7 at Hammered By The Blues!



You know yer always welcome to drop on by;

We'll put on the coffee and serve a slice of pie; 
It's OK to leave yer troubles at the door and relax a while; 

We'll leave ya with yer face plastered with a ten inch smile!



The force of the blues is surely hard to deny;

Altho the Grammy's keep givin' that a try; 
True believers unnerstan' da facts and know da simple troot; 

The Blues is the mighty roots, all the rest is simply the fruit!



Whether you be tall or short and fat or thin;

If you say yer prayers at night or indulge in sin; 
Just embrace those mighty blues for what they can do for us; 

There's always room on board the Hammered By The Blues bus!



We specialize in custom, but we will do it all;

Make an appointment, we appreciate the call; 
Our goal is to make you happy and provide what you need; 

We keep the blues alive by carefully planting the seed!



If yer hangin' with friends or chillin' alone;

Allow us to graciously toss ya a juicy bone; 
When ya wanna keep it fresh and hear the latest news; 

Just turn your radio dial to Hammered ByThe Blues!



You makes yer own luck, you know it's true;

No matter if you be born a pink or sassy blue; 
We finds our own path and travel it the best we can; 

Learnin' them lessons jumpin' from fire to fryin' pan!



Fear can paralyze and stomp yer roll flat;

You can get on along if yer spirit is phat; 
The blues is the best cure that we have ever found; 

To keep head held high and feet solid on the ground!



Freedom starts as a feelin' deep down inside;

It ain't no big secret, and this I will confide; 
The blues is born in struggle, makin' ya strong like they should; 

If it weren't for bad times, you couldn't appreciate the good!



We supply the inspiration, we know you appreciate;

If the world was perfect we could end all the hate; 
We just keep sendin' out the love and blues to all of you; 

If you share that gift maybe the rest of 'em will get a clue!



When that opportunity knocks just open the door;

What you got ain't enough, you always need more; 
We know what you need, so we deliver and satisfy; 

Hammered By The Blues delivers love to you on the fly!



Hold yer head high and keep yer spirit blue;

If times is tough, that's just what you gotta do; 
Count yer friends twice and be grateful for what you got; 

Takin' the high road will always improve yer personal lot!



When lookin' for music, you demand the best;

Stick with the Blues and pass on the rest; 
You deserve the quality that will blow the dust off yer shoes; 

We're ready to fill that order here at Hammered By The Blues!



We will provide the fuel you bring the fire;

Our passion for the blues will never tire;
We spin the best and latest freely sharing the joy;

When we say the Blues can fix the world, we ain't bein' coy!



Passion is fueled in the mind, heart and soul;

This is a stone cold fact, we ain't takin' a poll;
Share that passion and joy with every man and woman you meet;

The blues will always heal and inspire the world with it's heat!



Ya know it's religion when it speaks to the spirit; 

Music binds your wounds, curing all when you hear it;

Just walk into the chapel, you can't help but see;

Salvation just for the asking, and we offer it free!



You may live in gray but dream in blue; 

 Ya gotta pay the piper what he is due;

When yer debt is paid, set yerself free;

Just live the dream and be what you can be!



Take a rocket ride that's full of thrills; 

  The back of yer neck will get the chills;

All the while, safe in yer comfy chair;

The price is right, we don't charge a fare!



Don't buy from a scalper, just pay at the door; 

  We play the stuff that fills the dance floor;

Eat, drink all ya want and try the pie;

When you ride with us you won't get no DUI!



Whether it's near by or you travel far; 

  Ridin' the rails, drivin a tractor, bike or car;

All we wanna do is make you happy;

So dial us up and make it snappy!



If there's smoke, there is bound to be fire; 

  We lay out hot blues on the musical pyre;

Just for some fun or maybe some dares;

Dial us on in and torch all your cares!



Ya know we got yer back, ya know we care; 

  Hammered By The Blues is always there;

We play the blues, no if, and, or maybe;

'Cause in the end, Who Loves Ya baby!



Step on up and toss caution to the wind; 

  Whether you're pure of heart or recently sinned;

We take on all comers, that is for sure;

Preachin' the blues and leavin' your mojo pure!



Soup for the soul and candy for the ear; 

  Just crank up yer radio and hold it near;

Hammered By The Blues gots what ya need;

 Cuttin' chains that bind so yer soul is freed!



A trip to the blues Doctor will never hurt; 

  We feed yer mind and provide dessert;

At the end of the session you'll feel great;

 'Cause ya don't gain pounds from the music you ate!



We don't batter or bruise it's love we share; 

  Go ahead lay back in your favorite chair;

The blues will heal you and melt away strife;

 'Cause that's the secret of a beautiful life!



We gots our mission and we're always true; 

  Even when we borrow to play somethin' blue;

We will always make you satisfied;

 We'll leave ya fried, dyed and laid to the side!



Come fly with us and drift away; 

  The best new blues we will always play;

No hassle or fuss as we travel the road;

 Just sweet relief as we lighten yer load!



Sweet valentines wishes for you and yer Honey; 

  The best of gifts don't cost you no money;

Just dial us up and hold yer Baby tight;

 We play the blues so's you can dance all night!



Blues is a religion, that's for sure; 

  We exorcize demons and provide the cure;

Life is too short to miss it all;

 Just tune on in, then give Mom a call!



We cooked the fest and served it just for you; 

  We added soul, rock, R & B and a dash of blue;

We're glad we could share this meal fit for a king;

  Just belly up when ya hear the dinner bell ring!



We dropped the markers and lit the path; 

  It's a matter of direction with out the math;

The audio crumbs that we left behind;

 Will rock yer world and blow yer mind!



It don't matter what time of the year; 

  We serve the freshest stuff for your tender ear;

Hammered By The Blues provides the best;

  Just tune on in, 'cause there ain't no test!



When the weathers cold and you need some heat; 

  Just turn up the radio and grab a seat;

Hammered By The Blues has got the stuff;

  That'll warm you up just enough!



The church we worships in ain't got no pews; 

  What we preach does good and heals all of you's;

Salvation is near, just tune into our show;

  Hammered By The Blues on yer old radio!



When you roll with us on Hammered By The Blues;

 You'll hear old and new, ya gots nothin' to lose;

Whether rockin' yer chair or scuffin' yer boots;

 We will soothe your soul right down to the roots.



When you dial us in tight you'll readily see;

 The listenin' is easy and we gots tickets for free;

Take in all ya likes and sample the Trout;

 We be rockin' your soul, of that there's no doubt.



Whether you listen alone or with a bunch of friends;

 You'll enjoy the sweet feelin' that the blues sends;

So dial us in every Sunday to get yer respite;

 Where we rock yer heart and let yer soul take flight .



Call the neighbors and share the news;

When ya roll with us, ya gots nothin' to lose;

Leave yer cares behind, no hassles or strife;

Embrace dem blues and it'll change yer life!



We plays those blues, straight from the heart;

 Just set the radio dial and you've done your part;

You'll forget your troubles in the hour we shares;

 When ya gots da blues, dial in someone who cares.



We roll the Blues Highway, both paved and dirt road;

 Let your troubles drift away and lighten yer load;

It's all up to you to remember our date;

 Just dial KOWZ on in and don't you be late.



Whether you're a lowly peasant or even the king;

 The blues that we play will make yer heart sing;

We'll hit all 12 bars when we hang out this night;

 Shakin' our booty to KOWZ for all your delight.



The first thing to do is dial in someone who cares;

 'cause when ya gots the blues, it's good to shares ;

Crank us up loud, don't be shy like yer lurkin';

 We shoots ya the blues so's yer mojo be workin' .



If ya gots da blues then get yer bones shakin';

 We has a goood time, no posin' no fakin' ;

From our handcrank victrola we be spreadin' the news;

 From blues newbies to legends we plays the who's who's.



When yer feelin' down and battered by strife;

 Ya needs a blues tonic to change yer poor life;

Tune in as we do our job and work our magic;

 'cause If ya miss the blues it would be sooo tragic.



Don't get all depressed 'cause ya can't say no;

 Join our healin' hour whether yer rich or dirt po';

Our mission is simple, just one of basic trues;

 We will cure what ails ya with a dose of the blues.



Some times it looks bleek when things get tough;

 But we gots the cure, just grab you enough;

At our blues buffet you know it's all good;

 So join us this week in our blues neighborhood.



We gots the elixir to sooth your soul;

 Whether we go real fast or slow our roll;

We plays the blues you want to hear;

 While sittin' on yer porch enjoyin' cold beer.



Tune us in and turn it up 'cause we make it easy;

 We plays those blues that are so hip and sleazy;

Invite the neighbors and have a grand Blues Bash;

 It'll be the best of the year and won't cost ya no cash.



With Tasty BBQ and tons of love;

 We fit your tastes like a favorite glove;

Enjoy this sample and prepare for the meal;

 C'mon out and join us at Smokin' In Steele!



If ya loves to eat with out sufferin' the guilt;

 Just tune us in and crank it up to the hilt;

You can take all ya want, it won't make ya fat;

 We plays the best blues for ya, and that is that!



Now before the weeks' over we've got a hot date;

 Ya know where to come, and don't dare to be late;

If ya likes your 'Q hot and yer blues the real deal;

 We'll see ya this week at Smokin' In Steele!



There are things we count on like death and taxes;

 Tune us in and you can count on Mississippi Saxes;

Hammered By The Blues is your friend indeed;

 When ya gots the blues and yer soul's in need!



From guitars that scream to horns that moan;

 We plays the blues so you won't be alone;

Whether yer in the car or on the back porch;

 We support the music and carry the torch!



We got just what ya need in blues screamin' hot;

 We make the blind see and the dead get up off their cot;

It's only good sense to Tune in to Hammered By The blues;

 We hold nothin back so's you got nothin' to lose!



Cross over to the AM and catch blues testifyin';

 You'll dance your shoes afire and we ain't liein';

It'll tighten yer abs, yer booty and it's painless;

 D.ance A.nd S.tay Y.oung is  the advice of 'Shameless'!



We amaze, we amuse and we strive to satisfy;

 Bringing the blues to you from our very first try;

It's our mission from God, we be payin' our dues;

 You'll always  find us at Hammered By The Blues!



We introduce you to blues friends both old and new;

 From the old homestead mailbox we pull out our que;

Screamin' guitar, hot vocals, keyboards and some sax;

 It don't cost you much 'cause there ain't no blues tax!



When it comes to great blues we got the stuff;

 We don't waste yer time talkin' about some fluff;

This week we did country blues both raw and mellow;

 Walkin' barefoot in the sun so bright and yellow!



Think intense heat, then think about more;

 This ain't blues hot sauce you can buy at the store;

We provide warning labels and advise you take care;

 If you're too close to the speaker, you might lose yer hair!



With Tommy Castro he preaches cool Blue Soul;

 He will heal those wounds, and that'd be our goal;

We add some Ms. Hayes just to make it alright;

 Then Watermelon takes wheel to bring all home at night!



Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls;

 We'll fill yer ears and tighten yer curls;

Hammered By The Blues is yer friend indeed;

 When yer mojo needs cleanin' and yer spirit freed!



We beg your indulgence and set yer soul free;

 Improving the world is up to you and me;

I will do my part if you will do yours;

 Just dial in Sunday and we'll blow off yer doors!



We made all our plans and asked you to come;

 It's a great big party and we play the blues some;

Just drop in those batteries and crank it up loud;

 With Hammered By The Blues you'll do yourself proud!



This week we got the gals who'll make you sweat;

 Please join us on air for a sweet tet a tet;

You'll thank us for sure and be beggin' for more;

 Just pull down yer shades and be boltin' yer door!



We spare no expense and we will travel far;

 To bring the blues, from fests and smoky bar;

You will find us for sure, my fine daddios;

 On yer dimestore pocket transistor RADios!



When the fall rolls in and the bounty's good;

 We lay out a sweet spread, just like we should;

Blues come in all colors, shapes and sizes;

 Just tune in, crank it up and collect yer prizes!



It has been said 'The Blues is Alright';

 It shakes your booty and makes yer mojo tight;

We serve the blues you simply need to hear;

 Just crank up the dial and keep yer radio near!



Jump in for your pleasure, at your own risk;

 We make it real steamy as we spin that 'ol disk;

We won't stop til you drop down and plead;

 Hammered By The Blues is yer friend indeed!



Just when ya thought it was safe, it's not;

 We shake, rattle, roll and knock out the snot;

A tune up like this is hard to appreciate;

 Unless you're hard core and not an initiate!



Life can be cruel and when you need a break;

 Just bask in great blues, for heavens sake;

You troubles will fade and the stress goes away;

 Just take our advice and it will all be OK!



The blues gots more feelin' than top 40 hits;

 It pounds keys, bends strings and smashes kits;

It comes from the heart and speaks to the soul;

 Fine tunin' yer Mojo is our main goal!



I sends ya my poems each and every week;

 Just tryin' to get yer blues interest to peek;

When ya remembers to tune in it is so grand;

 To the faithful I extend  a clap 'o the hand!



Fightin' For Peace is Like Screwin' for virginity; 

  Tho our leaders think they can do it with impunity;

 We gots a better way to stand up for fellow man;

   We plays the blues and extends a helpin' hand!



Take the blues challenge and tune in today; 

  All your cares and woes will sure go away;

Your path will be simple and your life better too;

  If you treat all folks like you want them to treat you!



We take the hot and make it hotter; 

  We don't need no magic from Harry Potter;

Just drop on by and we'll show ya how;

  The time is right and the time is now!



When ya needs the comfort of family and friends; 

  We do our best to make sweet amends;

Hammered By The Blues will ease your troubled mind;

  When the world gets ya down and you're caught in a bind!



When ya open the big one, no matter what it reads; 

  It came from us, we share love and plant the seeds;

Hammered By The Blues will make your spirit bright;

  And make sure that yer happy and to all a good night!



'Tis the time to hang with family and friends; 

  Our good cheers to you we freely sends;

Toss another log on the old yule pire;

  And let us tune yer mojo with good blues fire!



Fill out yer list and check it twice; 

  We gots Christmas Blues at a great price;

It won't cost a thing just tune in;

  And don't forget to invite yer kin!



As we end the year we check out the new; 

  Playin' new stuff is what we do for you ;

All ya gotta do is log on in to our site;

  And Hammered By The Blues will fill yer night!



C'Mon and join me in blueshammers garden;  

  Do it today before yer arteries harden;

No matter what yer age, we'll leave ya feelin' young; 

Before the last note is played and the last verse sung!



It's the simple things that herald change;  

  Witnessed in the cities and the open range;

Share the love of the blues and pass it on; 

You'll change the world, don't cha know, Mon!



When ya needs a break from hopey change;  

  While the other stations play musical mange;

We always stay true to our mission from God; 

On the airwaves, your computer or on yer I-pod!



If it's time to reflect on mistakes of the past;  

  And your lookin' for some healin' blues that last;

It's a simple formula, one that we approve; 

Tune into the show and ride the whole groove!



If you feel the faith, if you have the spirit;  

Just turn up yer radio and get real near it;

We preach the gospel of the twelve bar blues; 

Revel in the glory and spread the good news!



Where change is different from the same;  

  It may get wild or stay kinda tame;

If you dance thru life like no one can see; 

You'll smile all day 'cause your spirit is free!



When yer problems are thorny late at night;  

  We got the solution to make you right;

Embrace those blues and let yer spirit soar; 

Feel the healing power all the way to your core!



In a world filled with struggle and strife;  

  Music is an ambassador that touches every life;

The blues is our tool to make misery cease; 

And to all God's Chill'ns, bring a little peace!



Peace is a concept born from respect;  

  How we treat each other, we must reflect;

It is really so simple as you can see; 

Act less like a 'me' and embrace the 'we'!



Age is just a number after all is said;  

  If yer feelin' aged the problem's in yer head;

Come try our cure, ya ain't got nothin' to lose; 

Take a deep breath and crank up those blues!



The best way to hear music is do it live;  

  Whether fest, juke joint or smokey dive;

If ya can't get out or afford the tix; 

Hammered By The Blues has got yer fix!



If things look dark and yer futures' bleak;  

  When you give up hope and yer knees are weak;

Dial us in 'cause we can cure yer ills; 

Hammered By The Blues got yer magic pills!



Just take a chance and walk on the wild side;  

  Ain't no one gettin' hurt and ain't nobody died;

Ya just gotta dance like nobody can see; 

Happy dancin' is the prescription for longevity!



 Don't pout or beg or drop to yer knees;  

  We do it for love, we just aim to please;

The blues will heal and make ya feel alright; 

Leave yer troubles behind and dance all night!



When ya need to recharge and feel the peace;  

  You can always come home, we extended yer lease;

Life can be hard, so let us provide some healin'; 

Hammered By The Blues will leave ya good feelin'!



Take a chance and walk on the wild side;  

  If yer smilin' you got nothin' to hide;

Life is way to short and death is long; 

The trip is best with yer soul filled with song!



We don't judge or even proselytize;  

  Just be who ya are and live king size;

The road is long but all is good; 

Just embrace the blues like ya know ya should!



Blues lovers are good, maybe even the best; 

  Don't take my word for it, put 'em to the test;

Adopt a blues band when you go out at night;

They will rock yer world and roll ya just right!



As days get shorter and the nights grow long; 

  Hear the gospel of the blues and sing a song;

It will heal your soul and warm your tired bones;

Dial us up today and we'll cure your blues jones!



When the fates have turned against you; 

  And the tides have sunk yer boat;

Don't fret about what might’ve been;

Just turn on yer back and float!



Resurrection is quick but the path is hard; 

  You start fresh, no longer hurt and scarred;

The price you pay is the best deal around;

Just listen close to the salvation blues sound!



Catch the blues in yer car or on the porch; 

  We'll serve it up hot with licks that scorch;

You can boogie up right or dance in yer chair;

Count on us, just tune on in and we'll be there!



Catchin' a cool breeze and rhythm of the road; 

 Will ease your mind and lighten your load;

You know life is short and the road is long;

Let us fill your journey with a blues song!



When the moon rises it may get scary; 

 In the dark forest you should not tary;

Salvation we offer and our word are trues;

Love conquers all when you gots dem blues!



‎When Mondays show up faster than last months bills;

  It can weigh heavy and give ya the chills;

If ya needs a day brightener follow my lead;

  Dial up Blue Monday Monthly for a satisfyin' read!



We'll take that ride down dusty virtual road; 

 We wheel into Big Mama's in full party mode;

It's a party of note you won't soon forget;

'Specially if ya dance with the hot brunette!



When you drop by to visit, we lay out a spread; 

 It's our duty to make ya happy with ears well fed;

We take role of host serious and won't disappoint;

We give quality and value at our virtual juke joint!



We wanna hang wit' ya each week, that's true; 

 We shares the new stuff picked special for you;

'Taint no big deal but it's always great fun;
We likes to leave ya smilin' when we are done!



"I think he died of a Tuesday, Stan Laurel was famed to say;

But they wouldn't go at all if they caught the blues that day;

You can ensure yer good health with a fresh dose of blues;

Doctor Blueshammer is dispensing right now for all of youse!"



We loves the blues and hope you do too; 

 We try to entice with most every shade of blue;

It's our mission from God, we're yer big Blues Brother;
On our show we'll share with you like no other!



We gots the Rev, Shaun Murphy and Chris Bell; 

 It may not be heaven, but it sure ain't hell;

We strive to entertain and provide trite distraction;
Hammered By The Blues delivers complete satisfaction!



We issue the challenge and toss out the dare; 

 Get your keister on up and outta that chair;

We'll supply the inspiration you supply the sweat;
You know dancin' to stay young is the best bet!



We gots the spirit and this is the season; 

 We play Christmas blues and you know the reason;

We promote peace on earth and love in your heart;
Snugglin' up with the blues is just the best part!



Tis the season to share the love and speak from the heart; 

 We can have peace on earth if we all do our part;

Treat all you meet like you want 'em to treat you;
You'll make the world a better place, you know I speak true!



If ya likes harp, quiet guitar and mandolin; 

Hammered ByThe Blues welcomes ya in;

Our preachin' cuts thru the chaff and the fetter;
We'll set yer spirit free and make ya feel better!



 If you gots the time, we surely gots the place; 

 Just tune on in and we will plead our case;

We will change yer life, and we don't tease;
Hammered By The Blues just aims to please!



Class don't start 'til you get here; 

 Knowledge is power, don't you fear;

The blues will make you strong and set you free;
At Hammered By The Blues we don't charge a fee!



Now I really don't know, but I've been told;

  Age is just an attitude, you don't need to get old; 

 If you embrace them blues and dance all night;
Yer mind'll stay sharp and yer abs will be tight!



It ain't no secret, we just like to have fun;
   We'll dance in dark bars, or out in the sun;
  If we ain't livin' longer, we're sure livin' best;
Singin' the blues while takin' our good livin' test!



When ya walk thru the dark don't be alone;
  Friends by yer side are better than cell phone;
We gots yer back while yer payin' life's dues;
Hangin' wit' you at Hammered By The Blues!



We care for you to keep things right;
Makin' needle sharp and belt drive tight;  
A weekly tune up is like payin yer dues; 
Get whatcha need at Hammered By The Blues!



We been cookin' all day preparin' for you;

 Please be on time, we hope yer hungry too; 
We'll fill yer ears with nothin' but the best;   
At Hammered By The Blues yer our honored guest!



We got no guilt, we wanna enjoy the meal;

There ain't no greens or even grapes to peel; 
We indulge in blues takin' as much as we can;

 Leavin' smiles on every blues woman and man!



The party's startin', and we're raisin' the roof;

C'mon join on in, it don't pay to play aloof; 
We aims to have fun and we're shootin' true;  

Crank it up loud 'cause we be workin' blue!



We live for the moment and treasure the past;

We party hard so's those memories will last; 
We be trippin' light fantastic and tippin' a few;     

We invite just the best, especially friends like you!




Virtual road trips don't waste no gas;

We don't burn rubber when we try to pass; 
We can even tip a few as the mile posts fly;     

When drivin' yer rocker you can't catch no DUI!



Ya know gettin' yer blues in shape will never sting;

It's where the mind goes, the body follows thing; 
Our job is to inspire and turn yer mojo loose;    

Dancin' yer spirit free while tightenin' yer caboose!



Summers is near and the time is right;

Shed yer cares and let spirit take flight; 
Get yer swagger on ya gots nothin' to lose;     

With help from us at Hammered By The Blues!



We deliver direct, the best and the fresh;

Hand selected and blended so flavors mesh; 
We feed yer ears and set yer spirit jumpin' free;     

Travel the highway with us 'cause we gots the key!



Your workout should always include friends;

Sharin' the pain you won't make amends; 
Movin' forward together and never look back;  

Share the joy so happiness you will never lack!



Sinful ain't bad when describin' extra good;

You can burn it off if ya dance like ya should; 
We'll provide inspiration, you supply the sweat; 

When you indulge in excess we'll help pay the debt!



We can enter and exit life much the same way;

Wearin' them diapers and complainin' all day; 
It can be a great trip between if you so choose; 

Just cherish the ride and dig them sweet blues!



When things seem kinda dark and sorta scary;

We move right along and don't want to tary; 
Just come into the light and pick up these cues; 

We're always here for ya at Hammered By The Blues!



We danced in the fields and under the stars;

Beaker Street on the AM rockin' from our cars; 
That was old school and how we used to roll; 

One things the same, summertime still warms yer soul!



Age is just a number, stayin' young a state of mind;

If ya get yer head right, the years will treat ya kind; 
Get wisdom from experience and always pay yer dues; 

Always lend a helpin' hand, and be sure to share them blues!



Why stand still when you can move along;

Just feel the rhythm in yer heart full of song; 
Life is short but the journey can be great; 

Stoppin' to smell the roses won't make you late!



Summer is here so kick out yer yaya;

We play just the blues, no Lady Gaga; 
We likes to have fun and shake our ass; 

Soakin' up sun and dancin' in the grass!



So, ya gotta have fun to make this all work;

It's better lendin' a hand than bein' a jerk; 
Yer life will be better and the world will be too; 

If ya treats all ya meet like ya want 'em to treat you!



I'm pourin' high test, please have one on me;

It goes down smooth as you will surely see; 
We bring sight to the blind and help the crippled walk; 

We dispense the pure D healin' blues, no empty talk!



If yer lookin' for a free ride yer on the wrong track;

We're into sweat equity, ya'll got to give some back; 
We'll provide the inspiration, you gotta give up the sweat; 

Dancin' to duos, trios and even the special house quartet!



Enjoy the sun when it shines in the sky;

No need to consider or even ask why; 
Take the advice freely given and share gratitude; 

Life is way too short to not dig the ride, Dude!



We make a difference when we share the praise;

It dispells the darkness and gives spirits a raise; 
It ain't the destination, it's how we enjoy the trip; 

Always choose the high road if ya'll wanna be hip!



Whether drivin' the couch or dusty back road;

We shoulder yer burdens to lighten yer load; 
It's the least we can do, believe me we checked; 

Our simple goal is to leave yer boredom wrecked!






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